The LORD gave us the mandate ‘To make Banners for the Nations’ in 2003. A banner factory started since then and we seek to make banners most fitting for our King of Glory, YESHUA. We design and produce Prophetic Prayer Flags, Throne Room Wings, Wall displays, Billows, Streamers, Scarves, Warrior Bride Swords, Mattah Rods and Prophetic Dance Attires. Ministering to nations and equipping the worship warriors with HOLY SPIRIT's instructed tools.
About Throneroomwingsflags

About Anna Rowena
Pastor Anna-Rowena Pang, is the founder of Throneroom Wings Worship International since 2010. She travels globally teaching, training, and empowering worshipping dancers and intercessors in prophetic power and various arts. She leads a mighty army of worshipping warriors with a passionate love for YESHUA.
Throneroom Wings Worship International is now an apostolic-prophetic dance ministry that :
1) provides training of the dancing brides and worship warriors to dance with intercessions
2) mobilize worship missions to Israel (since 2010) and the nations
3) ministers in conferences
4) provides covering and mentoring to international dance leaders and groups
In 2009, ABBA said “your worship will move My Hand for the deliverance of the land’. With the deliverance of the land comes the Restoration and Blessings. And there began the mission of hosting 12hours Breakthrough worship to nations and especially for Israel from 2010 to 2019. Our team witnessed many awesome manifestations of GOD’s Great Glory and answered prayers for Israel and the nations. The first recorded testimony was the Miracle Rain for Israel that came early 2011 after our first 3days12hours breakthrough dance-worship at Mt Carmel on October 2010 where the HOLY SPIRIT instructed us to do a one-hour of prophetic-intercession for rain for Israel. Israel had no rain for over 7-8 years back then. There were many awesome testimonies of the manifestation of GOD’s presence, glory and answer prayers for nations.
Prior to the establishment of Throneroom Wings Worship International, the LORD gave Anna-Rowena the prophetic call through a pastor in Malaysia “to make Banners for the Nations”. Thus, a banner making factory called Throneroom Wings & Banners was born in 2003. We seek to make banners most fitting for our King of Glory YESHUA! All production are HOLY SPIRIT’s given instruction with revelations. Today, we have changed the website name to throneroomwingsflags.com (which was formerly known as throneroomwingsbanners.com).